Monday 30 June 2008



There now follows an FAQ.
(More to be added later. Feel free to ask some questions yourself. They just might be added.)

  1. If Optimus Prime is Rachel's step-father and Megatron is her adopted father, than means Rachel has two fathers?
  2. How do you guys 'do it'?
  3. How can a Transformer and a Human reproduce?
  4. Wouldn't it hurt giving birth to machines with pointy wings?
  5. How does pregnancy work, then?
  6. How does the 'Birth Pod' work?
  7. Why the names 'Cobalt', 'Comet', Sirius' and 'Astrum Star IV'.
  8. What are these 'upgrades' that the kids have that you keep mentioning.
  9. What are 'Special Upgrades'?
  10. What are your kids special upgrades? (Or going to be, depending?)
  11. How fast do Seekers grow up anyway? Do they age as "normally" as we humans do?
  12. I thought Starscream was gay for Megatron...
  13. WTF is 'Knitting'!?
  14. WTF is a 'Sex Bagel'!?
  15. Toast?
  16. How can TF's eat anyway?
  17. Is Bumblebee REALLY going to be a father?
  18. Why is everyone 'Auntie', or 'Uncle' to the kids?
  19. Why is Sirius blue? Did Rachel have an affair with Thundercracker?
  20. Why can Sirius teleport like Skywarp?
  21. Is Cobalt REALLY that mischevious?
  22. Is Comet REALLY that obsessed with stickers?
  23. So, Sirius blows bubbles, huh?
  24. Whats the deal with Astrum Star IV and the communication after birth thing?
  25. Is Astrum really all that vicious?
  26. So, Bumblebee is really attached to Astrum?
  27. What are the kids nicknames?
  28. Is it true that Megatron loves his 'grandkids'?
  29. Is it true that Rachel's Grandmother, Margaret has a crush on Megatron?
  30. Is it true that Megatron is Cybertronian for Margaret!?
  31. Is it true that Ratchet performed surgery on Rachel every time she was pregnant? (IE: Help the birthing process.)

  1. Yes it does.
  2. Its quite simple. Although Starscream is larger than me, as was mentioned before, Ratchet created smaller, more human sized sexual organs for him to use. So, we do it normally. (Although it'd probably look rather funny.)
  3. Well, they are made from DNA based materials, so its only natural for them to have certain 'fluids' too.
  4. No. Not at all. They are contained within a 'Birth Pod', which is a semi-transparent metallic ball.
  5. Well, conception is normal. The baby develops as a normal human child does, but towards the 5th month, the 'Birth Pod' develops and encases it. This is held in the body for 2 months or so after formation (5 months), then is released via surgery when a bleeping sound can be heard coming from the mothers stomach. So, its not exactly a normal birth, but still... The last 2 months of development are done outside the mothers body, in which time it is vital for the father to play his part in feeding it via tubes that fit into small 'sockets' on the pod. This is called an 'Energon feed'. It is a very important role, as bonding is uaually started at this point, as father-botss are not usually very eager to play a part. After 2 months are up, the pod hatches and the father or mother (Human milk is important for TF-Human hybrids.) must feed it immediatley afterwards. (Then follows typical Cybertronian traditions. IE: The chosen god-parent initiates the child into society by 'accepting them' and naming them.)
  6. See #5.
  7. Cobalt, because he inherited my blue eyes, Comet is in-keeping with space themes and because she's as quick as a comet, Sirius is named after my favorite binary system and Astrum Star IV is more complicated. Its actually Cybertronian tradition for the fourth child to be named in some way after the father and also have the number IV in the name. This is uaually the last child any Cybertronian will have. (The limit, so to speak.)
  8. TF Children have various upgrades in their lives. Just as human children have important stepping stones (IE: Walking, talking etc), TF children gain these abilities by receiving upgrades. These are given at certain birthday celebrations. Some upgrades are only given when they are much, much older. ;)
  9. Special upgrades are actually skills. Only one is given per child and its usually a case of gradual learning, followed by the final information 'upload' at the end.
  10. Cobalts is fighting, Comets is swimming, Sirius is flying and Astrums is still to be decided.
  11. Not really. You CAN count their age like we humans do, but age is pretty much determined by their upgrade status, rather than years spent living. Rather than having a birthday on the date of their birth, they have upgrade celebrations. These can range from one every month, to once ever few years, dependant of status again. A Seeklet reaches adulthood on their final upgrade.
  12. Err... No. Actually, Megatron 'Knits' with Prime. :P
  13. Knitting is a 'codeword' that me and Starscream use in front of the kids to signify 'Sex'.
  14. OH GAWD! Haha! Megatron cooked a bagel and had sex with it (See Family Guy) and poor Astrotrain ate it shorty after 'use'. Hahaha!
  15. Its the only thing Starscream really likes thats human food.
  16. Upgrades. ;P
  17. Yes. Auntie Hiita is the mother. (Lord help her.)
  18. Its just easier for them. We have complicated relations. ;P
  19. FFS! No! >=( She can teleport to, does that mean I was having an affair with Skywarp at the same time!?
  20. I'd say its 'genetic'. After all, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp ARE brothers.
  21. Indeed he is. He is obsessed with squishing things and plays tricks on everyone constantly. We all think its 'Uncle Skywarp's' influence, to be honest.
  22. Yeah. Comet collects all kinds of stickers. She especially loves glittery ones, Hello Kitty brand ones and Baby Cinnamon brand ones. She likes to give her favorites out as gifts. One time, we found Megatron coated in them. Starscream is now often seen with stickers on his wings.
  23. Yeah. Sirius blows bubbles. Its her favorite pass time. Its how she got her nickname.
  24. After hatching from the 'Birth Pod', Astrum began communicating with broken up words, obviously learned during development, via its on board radio.
  25. Astrum is a biting machine, I swear... It nearly took Bumblebee's fingers off. (This, of course, left him a blubbering wreck. Hehe.)
  26. Despite nearly having his fingers bitten off, Bumblebee is very fond of Astrum. Its the only child he has bonded with, even though they all love him.
  27. Cobalt is known as 'Little Star', Comet is known as 'Princess'/'Butterfly'/'Lady', Sirius is known as 'Bubble Machine' and Astrum Star IV is known as 'Damien'/'Dante'/'The Devil'.
  28. Yeah. Scary, huh? I guess he sees them as tiny minds to corrupt. ;)
  29. Afraid so.
  30. Yes. Hence why Rachel's Grandma has a crush on him.
  31. Indeed. He is the mutually accepted family doctor.

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